Hangover Remedies That Are All-Natural
Going out for drinks almost never sounds like a bad idea until you wake up the next morning with a hangover. Although you may have had a great time the night before, you may be feeling a little bit “off,” the next day, especially if you consumed a few more alcoholic drinks than you should have. That’s why you should pay attention to some easy, all-natural hangover remedies to get back on your feet.
Frank The Tank: I had an awesome time!
Beanie: I know that you had an awesome time. I think the entire town knows you had an awesome time.
If this is the case, you may be staring directly at the ever so dreaded hangover. Hangover symptoms can include the following, or worse:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Lethargy
- Irritation
- Dysphoria
- Thirst
- Joint Pain
Overwhelming Fear of “The End”(maybe)
Anyone who has ever experienced a hangover before knows the feeling of just wanting it to end so that you can continue on with your life. Unfortunately, however, many people believe that there is no “cure” for their hangover except staying in bed all day. While this method might work for some, most cannot afford to just “skip life” for a day so they can nurse their hangover.
Six “Go-To” Hangover Remedies
Although “cure” may not be the best word used to describe seeking relief, there are a number of natural hangover remedies which have provided some evidence of providing hangover relief. Next time you find yourself in the unenviable state of having a hangover, give one of these natural hangover remedies a try and see if it helps:
Duh. Good old H2O is a logical, natural hangover remedy. However, this natural hangover remedy requires some planning. After a night of drinking, but before you head to bed, drinking a “good” (3-4 glasses) of water. The extra water will help stave off the inevitable dehydration that your body will be facing as a result of your “festive libations.” “It won’t cure your hangover, but will help to reduce the dehydration that alcohol leaves you with – and therefore, may reduce the severity of your hangover the next day.”
Speaking of dehydration, you might also want to skip that “cup of Joe” the next day as the caffeine in coffee could further exacerbate your hangover symptoms via dehydration. Continue to ingest more water after you awake to further reap the benefits.
Umm, yes, please! Next up is another obvious choice that your “drunk self” will be all about. Yes, eating food can also help avoid and/or reduce the effects of a hangover. It is important to make sure that you eat before, during, and after alcohol consumption. Why you ask? Well, for starters, consuming large amounts of alcohol on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster – and not just for the obvious reasons. Not only does it increase your chances of becoming very intoxicated, it also spikes your chances for suffering from a major hangover the next morning. This is because “empty-belly-drinking” increases the rate by which alcohol is absorbed into your body and bloodstream.
Having a “snack” (or ten) before, during, and after your night out will significantly slow down the rate of alcohol absorption and help prevent and/or reduce your hangover symptoms. NOTE: don’t overdue it with bad food or you’ll have other problems!
“Vit-a-mins” as Bear Grylls calls them (or “VITE-A-MINS” for everyone else) can be a big help in “curing” your hangover. More specifically, vitamins C and B are recommended for hangover relief and could play an important role in getting you through your hangover. Both scientific studies and anecdotal evidence have shown that vitamin B can help to shorten the length of a hangover. This is true because a vitamin B deficiency can be caused by overindulging in alcohol. And, vitamin B helps, amongst other things, you blood vessel dilation and overall energy levels. Likewise, vitamin C helps your liver break down alcohol in the body so it is similarly essential to slaying the “hangover dragon.” But, don’t just start popping pills. A basic multivitamin is likely your best bet along with some natural sources of these vitamins such as oranges and green leafy foods.
Ice Packs
Your first move when you wake up with a hangover may be to run (er, crawl) to the medicine cabinet for ibuprofen or acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol). DON’T! Alcohol and these types of painkillers do not play well together. And, alcohol can stay in your system for up to 24 hours. Some of the side-effects of the unnatural painkillers and alcohol include: stomach bleeding; liver damage; depression; inflammation; and, permanent ulceration. Clearly, these risks do not outweigh the benefit of temporary headache relief. For this reason, use the natural remedy of ice packs for relief of your headache as you begin to recover from your hangover. Depending on the activities that you have planned for the day, consider getting extra rest, preferably with an ice pack on your head or neck.
Magnesium helps with your hangover?! Nuts – right? Well “yes” and “yes.” Magnesium deficiency is another factor that plays a part in your hangover suffering. And, nuts just happen to be a great source of magnesium so your “hangover-day-diet” should definitely inc Magnesium deficiency will sap your energy so replenishing these reserves should be a priority. Moreover, studies have linked magnesium to helping with migraines so likewise, it i plausible that magnesium can help with your hangover-related headaches.
Time MachinePreventionTime machines are out of the question for the foreseeable future so prevention will have to do for now. One of the best natural remedies you can utilize is adaptation. Learn from your “mistakes” and make adjustments next time you decide to “tie one on.” Did Tequila (I prefer Patron) wreck your night last time? Maybe skip it. Snakebites leave you “snakebitten?” Pass on them next happy hour. Learning what alcohol your body can and cannot tolerate is a key to avoiding hangovers and/or minimizing their effects on your body.
Or, Just Avoid Having to Resort to Hangover Remedies
Outside of the above tips, an extra tip to help reduce the likelihood of a hangover involves limiting or at least monitoring your alcohol consumption. Many professionals recommend “pacing yourself” with one alcoholic drink an hour, as anything else increases the chances of a hangover. Also, note that not all alcoholic drinks are made equal and likewise, not all drinks will have the same effect on your hangover. For instance, some mixed drinks, especially those that are tasty, fruity, or sugary, should be avoided, as it is hard for some drinkers to gauge the amount of alcohol they are actually consuming and therefore, hard to judge how intoxicated you may be.
The above-mentioned hangover remedies are just a few of the many that you can use to relieve and/or mitigate the symptoms of a hangover. It is also a good idea to keep your body healthy by taking necessary supplements and getting plenty of regular rest.